Libreoffice 4.0.3 发布 – PPA 安装源
Mark Do 2013年5月20日
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著名的开源办公软件Libreoffice 发布新版本,Libreoffice 是开源软件 Openoffice 的分支,原属于升阳公司,升阳被甲骨文收购以后,开源办公软件OpenOffice上的决策上与社区产生了冲突。导致开发者出走成立了The Document Foundation,创建了分支LibreOffice。Libreoffice可以在Windows、Linux、Macintosh平台上运行,本套软件共有六个应用程序供您使用,包括:Writer、Calc、Impress、Draw、Math、Base。
最先版本 4.0.3的变化:
这是 4.0 版本的第四个版本。它包含了许多令人振奋的新功能,适用于企业的早期采用者和个人用户。
- This release is bit-for-bit identical to the 4.0.3 Release Candidate 3, so you don’t need to download or reinstall if you have that version already.
- The distribution for Windows is an international build, so you can choose the user interface language that you prefer. Help content is available via an online service, or alternatively as a separate install.
- Our Windows binaries are digitally signed by The Document Foundation.
- For Windows users that have installed, we advise uninstalling that beforehand, because it registers the same file type associations.
- If you run Linux, the GCJ Java variant has known issues with LibreOffice, we advise to e.g. use OpenJDK instead.
- LibreOffice 4.x drops a few long-deprecated features, including support for legacy binary StarOffice files, export to legacy Word and Excel (version 6.0/95), and legacy ODMA document management.
- Some menu entries have changed or added. If you miss something, that may be due to the use of customised menu settings from your previous LibreOffice installation.
- This version still contains a few annoying bugs, as listed here. Specifically, the German Duden Korrektor extension needs a manual fix.
安装 Libreoffice 4.0.3 打开终端,输入命令(适用于 ubuntu 13.04/12.10/12.04用户)
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:libreoffice/libreoffice-4-0
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libreoffice libreoffice-l10n-en libreoffice-help-en