xrepo 是一个基于 Xmake 的跨平台 C/C++ 包管理器。
它基于 xmake 提供的运行时,但却是一个完整独立的包管理程序,相比 vcpkg/homebrew 此类包管理器,xrepo 能够同时提供更多平台和架构的 C/C++ 包。
并且还支持多版本语义选择,另外它还是一个去中心化的分布式仓库,不仅仅提供了官方的 xmake-repo 仓库,还支持用户自建多个私有仓库。
同时,xrepo 也支持从 vcpkg/homebrew/conan 等第三方包管理器中安装包,并提供统一一致的库链接信息,方便与第三方项目的集成对接。
如果你想要了解更多,请参考:在线文档, Github 以及 Gitee
我们只需要安装上 xmake 就可以使用 xrepo 命令,关于 xmake 的安装,我们可以看下:xmake 安装文档。
除了可以直接从官方仓库:xmake-repo 检索安装包之外, 我们还可以添加任意多个自建的仓库,甚至可以完全隔离外网,仅仅在公司内部网络维护私有包的安装集成。
$ xrepo add-repo myrepo https://github.com/mygroup/myrepo
add_requires("tbox >1.6.1", "libuv master", "vcpkg::ffmpeg", "brew::pcre2/libpcre2-8")
add_requires("conan::openssl/1.1.1g", {alias = "openssl", optional = true, debug = true})
add_packages("tbox", "libuv", "vcpkg::ffmpeg", "brew::pcre2/libpcre2-8", "openssl")
下面是与 xmake 集成的整体架构和编译流程。
$ xrepo install zlib tbox
完整支持 Semantic Versioning (语义版本)。
$ xrepo install "zlib 1.2.x"
$ xrepo install "zlib >=1.2.0"
$ xrepo install -p iphoneos -a arm64 zlib
$ xrepo install -p android [--ndk=/xxx] zlib
$ xrepo install -p mingw [--mingw=/xxx] zlib
$ xrepo install -p cross --sdk=/xxx/arm-linux-musleabi-cross zlib
$ xrepo install -m debug zlib
$ xrepo install -k shared zlib
$ xrepo install -f "vs_runtime=MD" zlib
$ xrepo install -f "regex=true,thread=true" boost
$ xrepo install brew::zlib
$ xrepo install vcpkg::zlib
$ xrepo install conan::zlib/1.2.11
$ xrepo install pacman:libpng
$ xrepo install dub:log
$ xrepo fetch pcre2
linkdirs = {
links = {
defines = {
includedirs = "/usr/local/Cellar/pcre2/10.33/include"
$ xrepo fetch --ldflags openssl
-L/Users/ruki/.xmake/packages/o/openssl/1.1.1/d639b7d6e3244216b403b39df5101abf/lib -lcrypto -lssl
$ xrepo fetch --cflags openssl
$ xrepo fetch -p [iphoneos|android] --cflags "zlib 1.2.x"
$ xrepo fetch --cflags --ldflags conan::zlib/1.2.11
-I/Users/ruki/.conan/data/zlib/1.2.11/_/_/package/f74366f76f700cc6e991285892ad7a23c30e6d47/include -L/Users/ruki/.conan/data/zlib/1.2.11/_/_/package/f74366f76f700cc6e991285892ad7a23c30e6d47/lib -lz
xrepo 可以快速导出已经安装后的包,包括对应的库文件,头文件等等。
$ xrepo export -o /tmp/output zlib
$ xrepo search zlib "pcr*"
-> zlib: A Massively Spiffy Yet Delicately Unobtrusive Compression Library (in xmake-repo)
-> pcre2: A Perl Compatible Regular Expressions Library (in xmake-repo)
-> pcre: A Perl Compatible Regular Expressions Library (in xmake-repo)
$ xrepo env --show luajit
OLDPWD = "/mnt/tbox",
HOME = "/home/ruki",
PATH = "/home/ruki/.xmake/packages/l/luajit/2.1.0-beta3/fbac76d823b844f0b91abf3df0a3bc61/bin:/tmp:/tmp/arm-linux-musleabi-cross/bin:~/.local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin",
TERM = "xterm",
PWD = "/mnt/xmake",
XMAKE_PROGRAM_DIR = "/mnt/xmake/xmake",
HOSTNAME = "e6edd61ff1ab",
LD_LIBRARY_PATH = "/home/ruki/.xmake/packages/l/luajit/2.1.0-beta3/fbac76d823b844f0b91abf3df0a3bc61/lib",
SHLVL = "1",
_ = "/mnt/xmake/scripts/xrepo.sh"
$ xrepo env luajit
LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta3 -- Copyright (C) 2005-2017 Mike Pall. http://luajit.org/
JIT: ON SSE2 SSE3 SSE4.1 BMI2 fold cse dce fwd dse narrow loop abc sink fuse
$ xrepo env -b "luajit 2.x" luajit
$ xrepo env -p iphoneos -b "zlib,libpng,luajit 2.x" cmake ..
$ xrepo info zlib
The package info of project:
-> description: A Massively Spiffy Yet Delicately Unobtrusive Compression Library
-> version: 1.2.11
-> urls:
-> http://zlib.net/zlib-1.2.11.tar.gz
-> c3e5e9fdd5004dcb542feda5ee4f0ff0744628baf8ed2dd5d66f8ca1197cb1a1
-> https://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/libpng/zlib/1.2.11/zlib-1.2.11.tar.gz
-> c3e5e9fdd5004dcb542feda5ee4f0ff0744628baf8ed2dd5d66f8ca1197cb1a1
-> repo: xmake-repo https://gitee.com/tboox/xmake-repo.git master
-> cachedir: /Users/ruki/.xmake/cache/packages/2010/z/zlib/1.2.11
-> installdir: /Users/ruki/.xmake/packages/z/zlib/1.2.11/d639b7d6e3244216b403b39df5101abf
-> searchdirs:
-> searchnames: zlib-1.2.11.tar.gz
-> fetchinfo: 1.2.11, system
-> version: 1.2.11
-> links: z
-> linkdirs: /usr/local/Cellar/zlib/1.2.11/lib
-> includedirs: /usr/local/Cellar/zlib/1.2.11/include
-> platforms: iphoneos, mingw@windows, macosx, mingw@linux,macosx, android@linux,macosx, windows, linux
-> requires:
-> plat: macosx
-> arch: x86_64
-> configs:
-> debug: false
-> vs_runtime: MT
-> shared: false
-> configs:
-> configs (builtin):
-> debug: Enable debug symbols. (default: false)
-> shared: Enable shared library. (default: false)
-> cflags: Set the C compiler flags.
-> cxflags: Set the C/C++ compiler flags.
-> cxxflags: Set the C++ compiler flags.
-> asflags: Set the assembler flags.
-> vs_runtime: Set vs compiler runtime. (default: MT)
-> values: {"MT","MD"}
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