Fedora 24 Beta 发布-看看有什么新东东
Mark Do 2016年5月13日
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Fedora项目,2016年5月10日发布了 Fedora24 Beta 版,就正式发布版本官方以各种理由放了3次鸽子。除了传统的32位和64位架构的Fedora24 Beta版,服务器现在可以下载并安装PPC64,PPC64el和ARM64架构机器。此外,您还可以下载云测试版和Dock镜像。
Fedora的Peter Robinson说(所有Fedora24最终版的令人兴奋的功能都附带在这个beta版本上,你可以测试一下):
“To meet specific use cases, fedora release three editions of Fedora 24 Beta namely Fedora 24 Cloud Beta, Fedora 24 Server Beta and Fedora 24 Workstation Beta”,Matthew Miller,Fedora项目负责人如是说。Miller补充说,“Each edition is built on top of a common set of Base packages, which forms the core foundation of Fedora 24 Beta”
Fedora 24功能:
- glibc 2.23 for improved performance and POSIX Compliance. Also, this will give Backward compatibility to Fedora 23.
- GCC 6 for better code optimization. All base packages have been rebuilt with GCC 6.
- Additional Locales.
- The Home User’s edition of Fedora 24 Workstation Beta ships with preview of GNOME 3.20. Other Desktop Environment will soon be available. I have used KDE Plasma, Unity, XFCE, but I don’t like anything more than Gnome. Using Gnome feels like at home. Even If you don’t advocate Gnome, you must give it a try as it has improved a lot over the years.
- Wayland available, but not as a default. Maybe Fedora 25 gets Wayland as default.
- Various Changes in theming of GTK+3.
- The Server edition is shipped with FreeIPA 4.3 (Domain Controller Role) to help streamline installation of replicas.
- A new Topology Plugins has been added which will take care of new replica segment creation.
- Lots of packages has been removed from Server edition to make installer small.
- Numerous Security and Bug fixes.
Fedora Workstation
Fedora Server
64-bit Live Image (1.43 GB)
Fedora 24 Beta 版很多新功能和改进,似乎更有发展前途。 GNOME 3.20 确保改进的桌面体验。wayland(虽然不是默认)是要彻底改变GUI的体验,是肯定的。
Fedora 24将在6月14日发布,2016年也可能有不可预测的推迟。
如果你喜欢尖端技术,你必须尝试一下 Fedora 24 Beta版。请注意,Fedora的发布迎合Linux之父。是的,你没有听错,Fedora是为Linus Torvalds公司的选择。