媒体娱乐中心 Kodi 16 Alpha 4 发布
Mark Do 2015年11月3日
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Kodi(原名XBMC,从XBMC 14 改名为 Kodi)是一款著名的开源媒体中心和家庭影院软件,被翻译成超过30种语言。同时,其功能上高度扩展(通过第三方插件和扩展),支持PVR(个人视频录像机)。

最新版本Kodi 16 Alpha 4,版本变化:
- Properly handle wired or bluetooth headsets on Android and only use PCM output
- Fix playback of VP9 and VC1 video codecs on Android
- Use best possible icons from other Android apps while browsing these in Kodi
- Enable true 1920×1080 output on AMLogic device without up-scaling
- Add Korean, Chinese and Chech keyboards
- Add multi-touch support for Linux platform
- Improve touch-screen keymapping
- Add stereoscopic depth for Confluence skin
- The item that you had previously chosen will now be selected in the selection list instead of just starting at the top of the list
- Decouple Kodi and system volume on Android which removes the double audio volume slider
- Karaoke support has been completely removed as it wasn’t functional
- Further improve DX11 implementation in Windows
- Various PVR fixes and improvements
- Various improvements to the music section
Ubuntu 用户安装命令:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:team-xbmc/xbmc-nightly
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install kodi
sudo apt-get install kodi-audioencoder-* kodi-pvr-*
卸载 kodi 命令:
sudo apt-get remove kodi