Ubuntu 上安装开源系统备份软件 Systemback 1.6.201
Mark Do 2015年9月1日
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Systemback 是一款用于创建定点系统备份,使用户能够完全恢复操作系统的应用程序。提供了任何先进备份软件的功能,包括:系统备份、系统恢复、系统复制、系统安装、Live 系统创建、系统修复和系统升级。
从 Systemback 1.0版开始,Systemback 已经被移植到 QT5。可用的最新版本是 Systemback 1.6.201,发布已经有一段时间了,有以下变化:
- Import new French and Russian translations
- Exclude the not fstab-mounted filesystems in the /var/lib directory
- Fix partitions unmounts when unmount a device
- Fix systemback and systemback-cli manuals
- Some optimizations
- Lock the user input when deleting a Live image
- Set ‘Back’ button focus after deleting a Live image
- Add full screen installer mode for the Live systems
- Add possibility to include user data files and directories into the restore points
- Add possibility to exclude the directory content instead of the directory
- Add support to GDM config file in Ubuntu
- Move the configuration files into the ‘/etc/systemback’ directory
- Remove all childrens when add a new item to the excluded list
- Close the window if ‘OK’ button is clicked when the system copy is completed on the Live
- Fix and shut up some error messages
- Optimize CPU usage in some cases when executing external processes
- Improve screen boundary check when moving or resizing the window
- Do not start system upgrade in CLI without root permissions
- Print error message when the systemback-cli is started on a Live system
- Do not accept the scheduled restore point starting if the parent process is not the sbscheduler
- Ignore the global font changes after the window is started
- Fix segmentation faults in some keyPressEvents
- Fix excluded items reading from file when the line start or end with space
- Import new Hungarian and German translations
- Remove Ubuntu 14.10 support
- Add Ubuntu 15.10 packages to the Install Pack
到目前为止可以通过一些第三方PPA安装(支持 ubuntu 14.04/15.04/15.10),所以在Ubuntu上安装简直是小菜一碟。添加 PPA 到系统,更新本地存储库索引并安装systemback包:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nemh/systemback
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install systemback
sudo apt-get remove systemback
PPA 地址:https://launchpad.net/systemback