Plasma 5.4 Beta 增加服务
Mark Do 2015年8月15日
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来自KDE官方网站的消息:8月11日星期二,Plasma 5.4 Beta 测试版本发布了,Plasma 新版本带来很多不错的功能,为用户提供诸如大大改善了 High DPI 支持,KRunner自动完成和许多新的漂亮的 Breeze 图标。这也奠定了未来与Wayland 会话中可用技术预览着陆。Beta 版本送来了一些新部件,如Audio Volume Plasma Widget,显示器校准工具和用户管理器工具,以提供给大家测试。

Plasma 5.4 带来了kdeplasma-插件全新的全屏启动应用程序仪表板:拥有应用程序菜单的所有功能,它包括先进的缩放屏幕尺寸和空间全键盘导航。

Artwork Galore ,超过 1400 个新图标。


Networks Graphs

- Much improved high DPI support
- Smaller memory footprint
- Our desktop search got new and much faster backend
- Sticky notes adds drag & drop support and keyboard navigation
- Trash applet now works again with drag & drop
- System tray gains quicker configurability
- Wayland tech preview (complete Plasma wayland session), driven by Plasma Mobile
- The documentation has been reviewed and updated
- Improved layout for Digital clock in slim panels
- ISO date support in Digital clock
- New easy way to switch 12h/24h clock format in Digital clock
- Week numbers in the calendar
- Any type of item can now be favorited in Application Menu (Kicker) from any view, adding support for document and Telepathy contact favorites
- Telepathy contact favorites show the contact photo and a realtime presence status badge
- Improved focus and activation handling between applets and containment on the desktop
- Various small fixes in Folder View: Better default sizes, fixes for mouse interaction issues, text label wrapping
- The Task Manager now tries harder to preserve the icon it derived for a launcher by default
- It’s possible to add launchers by dropping apps on the Task Manager again
- It’s now possible to configure what happens when middle-clicking a task button in the Task Manager: Nothing, window close, or launching a new instance of the same app
- The Task Manager will now sort column-major if the user forces more than one row; many users expected and prefer this sorting as it causes less task button moves as windows come and go
- Improved icon and margin scaling for task buttons in the Task Manager
- Various small fixes in the Task Manager: Forcing columns in vertical instance now works, touch event handling now works on all systems, fixed a visual issue with the group expander arrow
- Provided the Purpose framework tech preview is available, the QuickShare Plasmoid can be used, making it easy to share files on many web services.
- Monitor configuration tool added
- kwallet-pam is added to open your wallet on login
- User Manager now syncs contacts to KConfig settings and the User Account module has gone away
- Performance improvements to Application Menu (Kicker)
- Various small fixes to Application Menu (Kicker): Hiding/unhiding apps is more reliable, alignment fixes for top panels, ‘Add to Desktop’ against a Folder View containment is more reliable, better behavior in the KActivities-based Recent models
- Support for custom menu layouts (through kmenuedit) and menu separator items in Application Menu (Kicker)
- Folder View has improved mode when in panel (blog)
- Dropping a folder on the Desktop containment will now offer creating a Folder View again