Ubuntu Touch OTA-5 更新-增强短信功能
Mark Do 2015年7月14日
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Canonical 不断更新 Ubuntu Touch 触摸操作系统,如果一切顺利的话,OTA-5 升级将于7月15日发布(就在明天)。
最近,开发者宣布短信应用程序得到增强,可向多个人发送短信(群发短信),MTP 支持已经实现。

其他 ota-5 功能:
- A LibreOffice Viewer App for Ubuntu Touch is already in the works
- The Sudoku and Terminal apps have been updated
- Support for Media-Hub background playlist got implemented in the Music app
- The Calendar app UI has been improved
- Support for WPA-Enterprize in the network indicator and system settings has been added
- Full shell rotation support will be implemented.
- Push notifications for web apps are under works right now
- Better battery life for the Meizu MX4 Ubuntu Edition
另外告知大家,Ubuntu Touch 已经是一个稳定的操作系统,但相比于Android和iOS它还不够成熟。现在,有三个Ubuntu手机:BQ aquaris E5 HD,BQ aquaris E4.5,魅族 MX4,另外也向 LG Nexus 4 设备提供支持。