用 Ubuntu Touch Emulator 体验 Ubuntu Touch

这篇手记搁置了很久,一方面因为下载Ubuntu touch镜像的速度太慢,另一方面一些知识还没看完贸然上手收获不大。今天又更新了下镜像,发现速度比较快近160K,得以将体验手机完成。基本只是通过性的逛了一遍,很多细节还没有深入。



kai@TAvatar:sudo apt-get install ubuntu-emulator
[sudo] password for kai: 

kai@TAvatar:~/.cache/ubuntuimages/pool$ ls -l
总用量 200744
-rw-r--r-- 1 kai kai  42899516  8月 14 10:02 device-bc7f9e420ea596d71e82baa53a3dc010c5322f853eba77e4f9d802a06f50ced9.tar.xz
-rw-r--r-- 1 kai kai       490  8月 14 09:58 device-bc7f9e420ea596d71e82baa53a3dc010c5322f853eba77e4f9d802a06f50ced9.tar.xz.asc
-rw-r--r-- 1 kai kai 162643968  8月 14 10:09 ubuntu-1c365de5c44ffda929975348e01eebc23138da40622b5a13a4df858837ce8dd9.tar.xz_
-rw-r--r-- 1 kai kai       490  8月 14 09:58 ubuntu-1c365de5c44ffda929975348e01eebc23138da40622b5a13a4df858837ce8dd9.tar.xz.asc_
-rw-r--r-- 1 kai kai         0  8月 14 09:58 ubuntu-1c365de5c44ffda929975348e01eebc23138da40622b5a13a4df858837ce8dd9.tar.xz_lock
kai@TAvatar:~/.cache/ubuntuimages/pool$ cd
kai@TAvatar:~$ sudo ubuntu-emulator create UToucharm --channel=ubuntu-touch/utopic-proposed
[sudo] password for kai: 
Creating "UToucharm" from ubuntu-touch/utopic-proposed revision 187
31.21 MB / 31.21 MB [====================================] 100.00 % 128.17 KB/s 
323.14 MB / 323.14 MB [==================================] 100.00 % 144.50 KB/s 
Setting up...
Creating snapshots for disks...
Succesfully created emulator instance UToucharm in /home/kai/.local/share/ubuntu-emulator/UToucharm
sudo ubuntu-emulator create UTouchx86 --arch=i386 --channel=ubuntu-touch/utopic-proposed
[sudo] password for kai: 
Creating "UTouchx86" from ubuntu-touch/utopic-proposed revision 189
40.91 MB / 40.91 MB [====================================] 100.00 % 154.31 KB/s 
335.70 MB / 335.70 MB [==================================] 100.00 % 151.09 KB/s 
Setting up...
Creating snapshots for disks...
Succesfully created emulator instance UTouchx86 in /home/kai/.local/share/ubuntu-emulator/UTouchx86


kai@TAvatar:~$ ubuntu-emulator run UTouchx86
emulator: autoconfig: -datadir /home/kai/.local/share/ubuntu-emulator/UTouchx86
emulator: Found target ABI=x86, architecture=x86
emulator: Found target API level: 19
emulator: using core hw config path: /home/kai/.local/share/ubuntu-emulator/UTouchx86/hardware-qemu.ini
emulator: writing default keyset file to /home/kai/.android/default.keyset
emulator: write_default_keyset: could not create file: No such file or directory
emulator: trying to load skin file '/usr/share/ubuntu-emulator/skins/EDGE/layout'
emulator: skin network speed: 'full'
emulator: skin network delay: 'none'
emulator: Using initial system image: /home/kai/.local/share/ubuntu-emulator/UTouchx86/system.img
emulator: autoconfig: -initdata (null)
emulator: WARNING: no Real SD Card found at '/home/kai/.local/share/ubuntu-emulator/UTouchx86/sdcardprime.img'
emulator: Physical RAM size: 512MB

emulator: Found target ABI=x86
Content of hardware configuration file:
hw.cpu.arch = x86
hw.ramSize = 512
hw.screen = touch
hw.mainKeys = yes
hw.trackBall = yes
hw.keyboard = no
hw.keyboard.lid = no
hw.keyboard.charmap = qwerty2
hw.dPad = yes
hw.gsmModem = yes
hw.gps = yes
hw.battery = yes



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字体有点渣,应该是衬线字体渲染有问题看着像Windows 8.1里modern应用的字体显示效果。不知道用的是文泉驿还是Droid sans fallback、 fc-list列了下有很多字体。


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kai@TAvatar:~$ ubuntu-emulator run UTouchx86

kai@TAvatar:/tmp$ adb push "How fast.ogg" /home/phablet/Music
6999 KB/s (1915873 bytes in 0.267s)
kai@TAvatar:/tmp$ adb push "Josh Woodward - Swansong.ogg" /home/phablet/Music
11502 KB/s (3314310 bytes in 0.281s)
kai@TAvatar:/tmp$ adb push "Casablanca.mp3" /home/phablet/Music
13558 KB/s (4379792 bytes in 0.315s)

kai@TAvatar:~$ adb shell
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
root@ubuntu-phablet:/# cd /home/phablet/
root@ubuntu-phablet:/home/phablet# ls -l
total 20
drwxr-xr-x 2 phablet phablet 4096 Aug 13 18:17 Documents
drwxr-xr-x 2 phablet phablet 4096 Aug 13 18:17 Downloads
drwxr-xr-x 2 phablet phablet 4096 Aug 13 18:17 Music
drwxr-xr-x 2 phablet phablet 4096 Aug 13 18:17 Pictures
drwxr-xr-x 2 phablet phablet 4096 Aug 13 18:17 Videos
root@ubuntu-phablet:/home/phablet# cd Music/
root@ubuntu-phablet:/home/phablet/Music# ls -l
total 0

root@ubuntu-phablet:/home/phablet/Music# chown phablet:phablet *
root@ubuntu-phablet:/home/phablet/Music# ls -l
total 9392
-rw-rw-rw- 1 root    root    4379792 Apr 18  2013 Casablanca.mp3
-rw-rw-rw- 1 phablet phablet 1915873 Oct  4  2013 How fast.ogg
-rw-rw-rw- 1 phablet phablet 3314310 Oct  4  2013 Josh Woodward - Swansong.ogg
root@ubuntu-phablet:/home/phablet/Music# chown phablet:phablet *
root@ubuntu-phablet:/home/phablet/Music# cd ../Videos/
root@ubuntu-phablet:/home/phablet/Videos# chown phablet:phablet *
root@ubuntu-phablet:/home/phablet/Videos# ls -l
total 1872
-rw-rw-rw- 1 phablet phablet 1915873 Oct  4  2013 How fast.ogg



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*** Error in `/usr/share/android/emulator/out/host/linux-x86/bin/emulator-x86': free(): invalid pointer: 0xf75f5450 ***
signal: aborted (core dumped)


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