3D动画制作软件 Blender 2.67 发布
Blender 是一款开源免费三维制作软件,包括好莱坞一些大的电影公司也在使用Blender来制作电影动画或特效。Blender功能强大,可用于动画、建模、渲染、交互式创作和后期制作等,具有一个完整的控制接口,并广泛支持使用常用的文件格式(包括3D Studio和Wavefront Obj)。
随着大量的内置功能,Blender 蓬勃发展,不断添加新功能和优化版本。
Blender 新版本 2.67 已经发布,该版本提供一些新功能和BUG修复,变化如下:
- new non-photorealistic rendering engine, Freestyle, allowing artists to generate 2D line drawings out of 3D scenes
- unified stroke system and brush texture with new additions (brush angle control, improved brush overlays, distinct texture control, new stencil mapping mode)
- improved accuracy and increased speed for Motion Tracker
- newly-added add-on aimed at easing 3D printing
- ability to create Wax, Marble, Skin (and other materials) via Subsurface Scattering
- new mesh modeling tools (like for example, Individual Face Inset, Poke Face, Knife Project)
- enhanced support for UTF-8 text in several editors
- bug fixes
Ubuntu 用户如何安装 Blender 2.67
添加官方 PPA (支持Ubuntu Oneiric, Precise, Quantal, Raring)
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:irie/blender
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install blender