VirtualBox管理工具 1.4 发布,图形化 VirtualBox 管理
Mark Do 2012年9月16日
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RemoteBox 是一个图形化的工具,用来管理远程服务器或者本机的 VirtualBox 虚拟机。
RemoteBox 1.4 发布,该版本支持 VirtualBox 4.1.x,允许对虚拟 CPU 进行热添加和删除(前提是操作系统支持),可配置多大 8 个网络卡等。

RemoteBox 是一个图形化的工具,用来管理远程服务器或者本机的 VirtualBox 虚拟机。
RemoteBox 1.4的变化:
- This version primarily brings VirtualBox 4.2.x support and drops support for the VirtualBox 4.1.x branch.
- Added the ability to hot-plug and hot-unplug CPUs from the guest whilst it is running. This requires setting the CPU hotplug option in the guest settings. You are advised to read the RemoteBox manual regarding this feature because support varies depending on the OS used in the guest.
- Added support for creating QED QEMU hard disk images
- Added support for creating QCOW QEMU hard disk images
- Added the ability to attach physical CD/DVD drives to a guest
- Added the ability to attach physical floppy drives to a guest
- Improved guest session handlers and guest locking
- Deleting a guest now deletes the associated screenshot icon (if any)
- Increased the number of configurable network cards for a guest to 8 cards. The selected card is now chosen by a combobox rather than a tab.
- Added additional keyboard entries which send keyboard sequences of the form ‘Alt-SysRq+x’, for example Alt-SysRq+F1. These were often used under very old UNIX flavours such as Dell UNIX, AT&T UNIX, ISC UNIX etc to switch between virtual terminals.
- Added button to generate a new MAC address for a virtual network card when editing a guest’s settings
- Fixed a minor bug where file permissions were being shown as decimal numbers in the remote file chooser, rather than the conventional octal.
Ubuntu 12.04 Precise用户安装
sudo apt-get install libgtk2-perl libsoap-lite-perl rdesktop
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