流行开源PHP博客程序 WordPress 3.1.3 与WordPress 3.2 Beta 2发布
Mark Do 2011年6月6日
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WordPress是一种使用PHP语言开发的博客平台,用户可以在支持PHP和MySQL 数据库的服务器上架设自己的网志。也可以把 WordPress 当作一个内容管理系统(CMS)来使用。
WordPress 是一个免费的开源项目,在GNU通用公共许可证下授权发布。目前最新版本为2010年10月15日发布的3.0.1版。 WordPress 被认为是Michel Valdrighi所开发的网志平台b2/cafelog的正式继承者。“WordPress”这个名字出自 Christine Selleck 的主意,他是主要开发者Matt Mullenweg的朋友。
wordpress 3.1.3 改进(因为时间原因,这里不翻译了):
- Various security hardening by Alexander Concha.
- Taxonomy query hardening by John Lamansky.
- Prevent sniffing out user names of non-authors by using canonical redirects. Props Verónica Valeros.
- Media security fixes by Richard Lundeen of Microsoft, Jesse Ou of Microsoft, and Microsoft Vulnerability Research.
- Improves file upload security on hosts with dangerous security settings.
- Cleans up old WordPress import files if the import does not finish.
- Introduce “clickjacking” protection in modern browsers on admin and login pages
下载最新稳定版本WordPress 3.1.3
- Google Chrome Frame is now supported in the admin, if you have it installed. This is especially useful for IE 6 users (remember, IE 6 is otherwise deprecated for the admin).
- The admin is less ugly in IE 7.
- The blue admin color scheme has caught up to the grey one, and is ready for testing.
- We are now bundling jQuery 1.6.1. You should test any JS that uses jQuery. WordPress JavaScript guru Andrew Ozz has a post with more info.
下载最新测试版WordPress 3.2 Beta 2,作为测试用,不要作为正式网站使用。