第一个 Plasma Wayland Live 镜像文件发布

Wayland 作为显示服务器已经在 Gnome 3 桌面环境中成为了默认显示服务,Wayland是一个简单的“显示服务器”(Display Server),与X Window属于同一级的事物,而不是仅仅作为X Window下X Server的替代(注:X Window下分X Server和X Client)。也就是说,Wayland不仅仅是要完全取代X Window,而且它将颠覆Linux桌面上X Client/X Server的概念,以后将没有所谓的“X Client”了,而是“Wayland Client”。

而 KDE 桌面一直还没有动作,今天 Plasma 团队送给大家的一个圣诞礼物就是:一个运行在 Wayland 基础上的 Plasma 镜像!


The Plasma team has been working on an early Christmas present: a live image running Plasma on Wayland.

Being able to run a full session of Plasma with applications is a major milestone in our aim of moving from the 30 year old X Window System to its replacement.

The central component in this is our window manager, KWin, which has moved from drawing borders on the edges of windows to running the full compositor and talking the Wayland protocols which allow applications to draw on screen and be interacted with.

Users of the image will notice some obvious glitches, it is certainly not ready for everyday use yet, but the advantages of more secure workspaces, easier feature extendibility and graphics free of tearing and gitches will be appreciated by everybody. Work on this has been ongoing since 2011 and is expected to take years rather than months before a completely transparent switch away from X will be possible.  Find more about the project on the KWin Wayland wiki pages.

Congratulations to Martin Gräßlin and the rest of the Plasma team on making this possible.

To try it out: download the live image, carefully use dd to copy it to a USB disk and reboot from that disk.  Unfortunately it won’t work from a virtual machine yet.

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